


Cowave Communication Technology Co., Ltd.


  编(Zip code):210000

联系人(Contact Name): 刘大权

  机(Mobile): 13225232101

  话(Phone): 025-85281617

  真(Fax): 025-85281673

  址(Website www.cowave.com


控维通信成立于20176月,是专业从事卫星通信产品研发、生产制造及服务的高科技企业,公司地处南京市江宁区天骄路100号,现有员工200人,致力于研发先进的、具有自主知识产权的卫星通信技术、设备和系统,生产高性能、高可靠性的卫星通信产品,为政府、企业等行业用户提供全面、专业的卫星通信解决方案。公司先后获得“国家高新技术企业”、 国家级“专精特新”小巨人企业、“江苏省民营科技企业”、“南京市瞪羚企业”和“南京市创新型领军企业”等称号,通过了ISO9001质量管理、环境管理、信息技术服务管理和售后服务评价5A级体系认证、知识产权管理体系认证,拥有3A级信用等级证书、3A级重合同守信用证书。


Cowave is a cutting-edge high-tech enterprise with a specialization in the development of SATCOM (Satellite Communication) products and the provision of associated services. Our unwavering commitment lies in pioneering advanced SATCOM technology, equipment, and systems distinguished by independent intellectual property rights. We are dedicated to delivering comprehensive and expert SATCOM solutions tailored to the needs of clients hailing from various sectors, including government agencies, enterprises, and other industries.

As a distinguished system provider in the field, we boast a diverse portfolio encompassing a full spectrum of SATCOM products. These products have found widespread application in critical domains such as emergency response, education, media, the internet, and beyond. Our relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence enables us to meet the evolving communication requirements of our valued clientele while contributing to the advancement of SATCOM technology on a global scale.